This past Saturday, Sept 25th, we had the first ever Motorcycle Domino Run for Lil' Chris, and it was AWESOME!!!
There were around 45 bikers in all, not bad for our first one:) We had soooooo much fun, especially Lil' Chris! His eyes got so wide every time some bikes would come back from their 95 mile ride:) He LOVED watching them pull in and park their bikes! All the bikers were so nice and generous for coming out and supporting Lil' Chris. "Thank You to ALL the bikers!!!" One biker even took Lil' Chris for a little ride!!! He was a little unsure at first, but ended up LOVING it!! I loved seeing the smile on his face:) When Uncle Greg got back from his ride("thanks Uncle Greg for riding!!";) he took Lil' Chris for a ride too on his bike! Lil' Chris, Ayla, and cousin Lincoln even got to sit in a side car!! Pretty cool :)
Later, while the bikers were eating and enjoying themselves, all of a sudden Lil' Chris came riding down on HIS motorcycle!! Yup, that's right! I said HIS motorcycle;) Everybody applauded as he proudly road his bike down in front of all the other bikes that were there! He did such a GREAT JOB and I was SO PROUD of him!! :)
It was an AMAZING day! I just want to thank everyone involved in the planning and organizing and cooking and donating and riding!! You all are AMAZING and we are SOOOOOO very thankful for each and every one of you!! I can't express how much it meant to us that you would do this for our Lil' Chris:) THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!
Here is a montage of our AMAZING day...(hence the 2nd song,"Amazing";) The first song was written and sung my adults with Cystic Fibrosis who know what it's like to have CF lungs, and the last song is Lil' Chris' favorite song, "Smile";-)....
So for those of you who are interested in what a Domino Run is, I'll try to break it down as much as possible....
1. The bikers check in as early as 8am and the latest 10:30am. They paid $20 each, and an extra $10 for a passenger. They got their directions and their first domino and they were off! The trail was 95 miles starting and ending at the church and there were dots painted on the shoulder of the road at each intersection so they knew where to go. One dot meant straight, 2 dots was left, and 3 was right.
2. There were 3 stops along the way where they would stop and get another domino. These were being tracked on paper at each stop, I believe:)
3. When they returned back to the church, they received their last domino and was given their total.
4. The bikers then ate tons of delicious food that was ALL DONATED by some awesome people!! I was AMAZED by all the food and wonderful helpers, especially this one guy who donated all the hot dogs and burgers and the big smoker/grill, AND then donated his time to stay and make it all!! He was just going to drop it all off, but then decided to stay and help out! BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!! I never saw Lil' Chris eat a hot dog so fast, it was just that good!! :)
5. Then there was a 50/50 drawing, half of the money was supposed to go to the winner and the other half to Lil' Chris. When they pulled the winner he decided to give it ALL to Lil' Chris!!! I was SHOCKED!! Everyone was so generous and nice! THANK YOU RODNEY M!! ;)
6. Then they announced the winners of the Domino Run. The biker with the highest amount AND the biker with the lowest amount won a $100 Visa gift card! Pretty cool, huh?!! :) They also gave away a couple other prizes as well and cousin Lincoln won a $50 card!! WooHoo!!
7. Once they finished announcing the winners, I asked if I could say something on the megaphone. I was SO grateful for everything and everyone, that I just had to say a big THANK YOU!! As I was saying my thank you to everyone, Chris went and got Lil' Chris and brought him over. I held up the megaphone to him and he very quietly and politely said "Thank You Everyone!" It was the cutest thing ever!! Everyone laughed and cheered:) I was so proud of him!
Then it ended around 3pm. It probably would have ended sooner, but one of the groups got lost, but that's ok, because we were all having so much fun:) I hope we get the chance to do this again some day!!
Thanks again to Ron and Greg for giving Lil' Chris rides on your motorcycles!! Big thanks to Ron F. for mentioning Lil' Chris' name to be the cause for the ride which started this all. We are so honored you thought of Lil' Chris!!!! We can't thank you enough!!! You have always been a big supporter of Lil' Chris. THANK YOU!!!!
Thank you to all of our friends and family for going and supporting Lil' Chris!! It really meant a lot!
Thank you to my Dad and Tracey for taking some GREAT pictures and for letting me use them in the video above:)
Lastly, thank you to all the riders and to everyone who donated!!! It truly was an unforgettable, amazing day!!
PS. Thank you all for your prayers for Lil' Chris, please keep them coming as he is doing GREAT!!
Too freakin' cute! Hang on to those ape hangers, kiddo!
It really was an AWESOME day!!
I too am proud of my youngest bubby! I am so grateful to God for all everyone did and for allowing you, Chris & the kids to be here for it. God just keeps showing His love & blessings.
love love love
hugs hugs hugs
kisses kisses kisses
to you all
Wow! This is just so great! We miss you at work!
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