His 3 month check up went well. His weight was 36.2 compared to 34.5 3 months ago. His height was 40 inches compared to 39 1/4 inches 3 months ago. His BMI was 55% which is good(not sure what it was last time). The clinic updated to be all electronic now, but the printout that we get at the end of the visit STILL doesn't show all the measurements and percentiles like I wish it would!! I still have to ASK what they are and then try to remember them. I may have to talk to someone about that;-) lol
His CF doctor said his lungs are clear and he is doing GREAT!! She said not to change a thing! Question....is it weird that she didn't ask one thing about his Vest?? Like...is he doing it??? LOL!! Maybe she just forgot;-) At least WE know that he is getting his Vest every morning and night for 30 minutes each:) LOL
She put in his (electronic;) file that we are giving him 500mg of Vitamin C and Coromega Omega 3 + Vitamin D every day. She didn't seem to object that we are giving him these, and they seem to be keeping colds away, so we are going to continue to give it to the kids, esp Lil' Chris. CysticLife posted this on Facebook and I thought it was interesting since the extra Vitamin D seems to be working so well for Lil' Chris...http://www.foodconsumer.org/newsite/Non-food/Drug/denufosol_helps_cystic_fibrosis_1912100916.html
2 cool things happened at clinic this time....1. Ayla wanted to wear a mask(you know...she DOES have to do EVERYTHING her brother does;) so I put one on her and she left it on!! I couldn't believe it!! She's becoming such a big girl! 2. The cool nurse let Ayla have a hospital bracelet too!! She was sooooo excited!! Sometimes she wants to be so much like her brother that she even asks to take pills before she eats and will once in awhile ask to do the Vest too:) lol! Poor kid doesn't realize how good she has it yet.
Lil' Chris got a throat culture, so please pray that it comes back normal. I'll let you know when I find out. I was telling the nurse that Nathan(my nephew with Leukemia) was planning on coming to visit us soon, but his counts are down right now...she said that it would definitely not be a good idea for Lil' Chris to be around him when his counts are down, especially with what Lil' Chris has cultured in the past. It's just too dangerous for Nathan. So please also pray that Nathan's counts go back up so that we can get together in the next couple of months.
I think that's it for now, I've got to go to bed and get up early for work tomorrow again...housework didn't get done AGAIN, but oh well, I really wanted to update you all on how his visit went:)
Thanks for all your prayers,
PS. Next update......Christmas pics!!! YEA!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
YEAH for a good clinic visit! Those are always nice!!
So glad Lil C's visit went well! I smiled the whole time I read about Ayla wanting to do everything Chris does. Lincoln has been like that lately. He's been wanting to go to the clinic visits and he's been SUPER excited to take medicine every night like Nathan! Funny how they think it's great, such innocence!
I talked to the doctor about us going to see you guys around New Years and we have been advised not to travel if Nathan's counts are still low. So I will let you know Monday night whether we are going out for a visit or staying home! :(
But our kids and their health come first!
Have a wonderful Christmas!!!!
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