I can't believe my lil' boy has wasted 800 hours of his life doing his Vest treatments!! Erks me, but when I think about how much it helps him, I don't mind as much;) He's getting more and more into playing his DS games now as you can see in the pic above;-)
He actually hit 800 hours on Valentine's Day!! The day before Valentine's Day, the kids and I made cards for Daddy by doing paint hand prints:) Then while I was working on Valentine's morning, they made cards for me with Daddy:) We had a fun day once I got home from work. We opened cards and presents, then played with Big Foot(one of Lil' Chris' presents;) He was a little scared of it...well, he still is scared of it, but he loves it tho;) LOL!
Then we made Valentine cookies!! The kids had a blast helping!! Daddy...not so much, but he helped anyways;-) LOL! They turned out pretty good!!
After that, we went to go watch Daddy play his last indoor soccer game! Spencer gave us all Valentine's;-) Thanks Spencer!! The kids had fun playing and running all over esp at half time when they got to go out on the field. I always feel bad taking them out there, b/c then the guys feel like they can't practice. They are all nice and let Lil' Chris shoot some goals:) Thanks guys!! Daddy signed up to play another session that starts next week!! YEA!!
Chris and I celebrated Valentine's Day the day before by going to dinner and a movie!! We saw "Just Go With It" with Adam Sandler, it was great! It was sooooo nice to get out and go on a date with my man:) I wish we could have date night like once a month or something, but our schedules are always weird and I feel bad asking Oma and Opa to babysit even more than they have to. Thanks Oma and Opa for always babysitting!! Special thanks to Oma for helping out with some vacuuming and cleaning too since my back has been hurting:)
Speaking of my back....it's a lot better than what it was, but it still hurts when I lift heavy things or move or bend certain ways. At least I can sleep a little bit better and don't have to grab onto my treadmill when I get out of the bed anymore;-) LOL! I think my back is getting better b/c I haven't been doing as much lifting and I have been stretching and icing it. The Vest machine alone weighs 30 lbs, so I had stopped lifting it up and down, that seemed to help. Now if only Ayla didn't need to be picked up all the time;-) LOL!
Lil' Chris has been doing good with taking his Bactrim. His cough is still def there tho and sounds nasty. I hope it goes away before he is done the Bactrim. BTW....in my last post I posted a video of him coughing....well, I forgot to mention that he was chewing his Chewable Vitamax vitamin when he was coughing, so he didn't actually cough something up and then started chewing on it;) I know it looked that way and I forgot to say something. Sorry to those who watched it and was totally grossed out;-) LOL
Please say a prayer that Lil' Chris' cough goes away and that his cousin Nathan with Leukemia gets better. Nathan just got out of the hospital and has RSV. His counts are low, so he needs a lot of prayer to get them back up.
He actually hit 800 hours on Valentine's Day!! The day before Valentine's Day, the kids and I made cards for Daddy by doing paint hand prints:) Then while I was working on Valentine's morning, they made cards for me with Daddy:) We had a fun day once I got home from work. We opened cards and presents, then played with Big Foot(one of Lil' Chris' presents;) He was a little scared of it...well, he still is scared of it, but he loves it tho;) LOL!
Then we made Valentine cookies!! The kids had a blast helping!! Daddy...not so much, but he helped anyways;-) LOL! They turned out pretty good!!
After that, we went to go watch Daddy play his last indoor soccer game! Spencer gave us all Valentine's;-) Thanks Spencer!! The kids had fun playing and running all over esp at half time when they got to go out on the field. I always feel bad taking them out there, b/c then the guys feel like they can't practice. They are all nice and let Lil' Chris shoot some goals:) Thanks guys!! Daddy signed up to play another session that starts next week!! YEA!!
Chris and I celebrated Valentine's Day the day before by going to dinner and a movie!! We saw "Just Go With It" with Adam Sandler, it was great! It was sooooo nice to get out and go on a date with my man:) I wish we could have date night like once a month or something, but our schedules are always weird and I feel bad asking Oma and Opa to babysit even more than they have to. Thanks Oma and Opa for always babysitting!! Special thanks to Oma for helping out with some vacuuming and cleaning too since my back has been hurting:)
Speaking of my back....it's a lot better than what it was, but it still hurts when I lift heavy things or move or bend certain ways. At least I can sleep a little bit better and don't have to grab onto my treadmill when I get out of the bed anymore;-) LOL! I think my back is getting better b/c I haven't been doing as much lifting and I have been stretching and icing it. The Vest machine alone weighs 30 lbs, so I had stopped lifting it up and down, that seemed to help. Now if only Ayla didn't need to be picked up all the time;-) LOL!
Lil' Chris has been doing good with taking his Bactrim. His cough is still def there tho and sounds nasty. I hope it goes away before he is done the Bactrim. BTW....in my last post I posted a video of him coughing....well, I forgot to mention that he was chewing his Chewable Vitamax vitamin when he was coughing, so he didn't actually cough something up and then started chewing on it;) I know it looked that way and I forgot to say something. Sorry to those who watched it and was totally grossed out;-) LOL
Please say a prayer that Lil' Chris' cough goes away and that his cousin Nathan with Leukemia gets better. Nathan just got out of the hospital and has RSV. His counts are low, so he needs a lot of prayer to get them back up.
Hey Michelle,
Thanks for the updates!! Will be praying for lil' Chris to get over the cough totally. Also, for little Nathan!! Glad your back is feeling better!!
Love & Prayers, Aunt Mar
Another cf mom here:) just wanted to say hi and that I enjoy reading your blog! It's great to "meet" other moms who have cf experience so I have a bit of an idea what to expect as my little one grows.
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