The kids are still getting over their colds too. We are all in the cough stage, esp Lil' Chris. He had the most mucus/snot I've ever seen!! He even threw up, b/c he was coughing up so much! He would blow his nose and it would just keep coming and coming and coming!! Poor kid. He's been coughing a lot the last couple of days, so a call to the CF clinic may be in order soon if it doesn't go away. Extra Vest and Acapella times are a MUST right now!

I bought some kids vapor rub(sorry I couldn't get the pic to work right side up for some reason;) and put it on their chests last night and at first Lil' Chris couldn't STOP coughing! I thought "Oh GREAT! What did I do??" But then it settled down and he slept all night without getting up to cough, PRAISE GOD!!! Ayla too!!! I wasn't sure if CFers could use a vapor rub, so I asked on CysticLife and got some responses that said it was ok b/c it opens up the airways to breathe easier so they can get some sleep. Sleep if very important for CFers, b/c they use so much energy(and calories) when they are coughing all the time. I'm just glad it worked and I'll ask our dr about it too. Thank you to those on CysticLife for answering my question so quickly:)

On a good note...I got all my Christmas shopping almost all done and 95% is already wrapped and ready to go under the tree Christmas morning:) The kids helped me decorate the Christmas tree yesterday, which was a lot of fun:) How do you like our new stocking holder(see pic above;) Daddy finished putting up all the lights outside too! The kids LOVE driving around our development all the time to see everyone's lights:) Thanks neighbors for all your awesome lights!!! :) They look GREAT!!
Below are some links that I have been wanting to post, but forgot about;) It's some good info tho, so check them out!!
Thank you everyone for all your prayers!! Keep them coming that we have a "healthier" Winter and that Lil' Chris' cough goes away soon all on it's own;-)
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