So I'm pretty sure Lil' Chris got a cold and it's not just allergies, b/c Ayla got it and now me...ughhhhh! Although, it doesn't seem like a bad cold thankfully! He still has LOTS of energy!! :) Ayla and I have runny noses, but Ayla has a lil' dry cough;(
2 min after my last post, Lil' Chris was doing his vest and coughing so much that as I went to go get his albuterol, he started throwing up. And of course all over his vest! Thank God it is machine washable now! Poor kid. At least we know the Vest does it's job...helps get the mucus up and out, even if it isn't very pleasant sometimes. Last night when we were praying, he prayed that God would take his CF away:'( Thanks again everyone who has donated for a cure! It's times like these that we appreciate it the most!!
This morning when he woke up, he kept coughing the whole time thru breakfast and when it finally calmed down, he said "Mom, my cereal is too old to eat now!" Meaning it was all soggy:) LOL Unfortunately, the albuterol puffer didn't do much for his cough. We did Albuterol before Vest time and Acapella afterwards each time today, which equals 3 times...1 1/2 hours!!!
I'm hoping he isn't coughing too much in the morning. Its usually worse in the morning from laying down all night, I think. Hopefully his nose won't be stuffy anymore either.
Please pray he gets better real quick before any bad bacterias settle into his lungs. I'll be calling the CF clinic tomorrow. Not sure what antibiotic they will put him on since it seems like he just got done an antibiotic!
We almost have our CF commercial done!! YEA!! I'll post it when it's done!! Soon we will be making our personalized thank you cards and sending them out to all who have donated this year so far:) We are currently at $1,225!! Thank you so much everyone!!
If you haven't donated yet and would like to, just click here!! We appreciate EVERY dollar raised!!! BIG THANK YOU TO MY GRAM AND MY AUNT CAROLYN FOR YOUR DONATION!! I received your checks in the mail the other day:) You guys are the BEST!!!
I'll be setting up some fundraisers soon. I'm so behind this year and am finding it hard to get motivated for some reason. Each year seems to get harder and harder. Not just all the work that goes into it, but the emotional side as well. It's more important now than ever before though, b/c I believe we are getting closer and closer to a CURE!! :)
Thanks for all your prayers and donations,
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