Lil' Chris is still doing GREAT with his TOBI and Cipro!! So proud of him!! He is still coughing a lil', but not like a cold cough, so that's good:) We have switched to doing his Pulmozyme at night now instead of the morning and it seems to be working out okay so far!!
We took Ayla to the doctors yesterday for her cough and stuffy nose that she has had for like 2 weeks(her cough went away for a few days, but then it came back), and she got her first throat culture taken and she didn't even cry!!! GO AYLA!! She didn't cry when she got her flu shot the other day either!! Lil' Chris cried like a baby when he got his and he's 5 and Ayla is only 3!! ;-) LOL I think she was determined to beat her big brother. She said after he got his shot that she wasn't going to cry when she got hers...and she didn't!! She came close, but the tears did not come out! I felt bad for her, b/c you could tell it hurt her and she really wanted to cry:( She's one determined lady though! Just like her momma;)
So today, I got a voicemail from her dr saying that she did not culture Pseudomonas like Lil' Chris, but she DID culture Strep Throat! ARGGGG!! So now she is taking Azithromycin 5ml once a day for 10 days. We were kinda shocked she cultured this, b/c she's been acting fine and has not complained of a sore throat and has just had a cough, except one day she had a lil' fever for a few hours.
Please pray she gets better soon and that it doesn't spread to the rest of us, esp Lil' Chris...he's got enough going on right now.
The kids are soooo excited that their cousins are coming next week for Thanksgiving!!! Only thing is...Lil' Chris has cultured Pseudomonas, Ayla has cultured Strep, and their cousin Nathan has Leukemia. I'm a little worried that they may get Nathan sick, which could turn out very bad for him. So, I sent a message to the CF clinic to see what they think, maybe the meds will work by then??? IDK, we'll see what they say.
Totally bummed that the CiCi's Pizza here in town closed a couple weeks ago:( That's where I did most of my CF fundraisers. Luckily the Alice Noble Ice Arena lets me do CF Education Days there during their after school program. I'm still able to make that an AiA event with Kohl's to get the $500 grant, so that's good!! When one door closes, another one opens:) I thank God that they allow us to do events there, b/c otherwise I wouldn't be able to raise $5,000 from Kohl's each year...btw, just one more event for this year and Kohl's will have donated $5,000 to CF this year alone!!! THANK YOU AWESOME KOHL'S ASSOCIATES!! Last year they did $5,000 too!! I can't remember exactly how much the years before that...a few thousand, I think:) Gotta love Kohl's!!! Speaking of which...I have a Friend's and Family coupon for 20% off starting this Thursday!! If you want me to email it to you, just send me a message or an email:)
Thanks so much for your continued prayers!
The Church and My Unbiblical View of Women Part Two
There’s a scene in the first Incredibles movie where the superhero
Incredibles family is all together at their son Dash’s track meet. They
finally let thei...
5 years ago
Glad Chris is doing so well with his new meds :) Good Job Buddy! Poor Ayla, hopefully the meds will start working right away and knock this out of her! I think Ayla will be fine by next week to be near Nathan, as for Chris, I will ask as well, we go to the clinic on Friday! Hopefully it will be ok! The kids are super excited and I would hate for them to not be able to be near each other, that would just be horrible for them!
Love you guys and can't wait to see everyone next week!
Happy to hear that he's tolerating TOBI and Cipro well!! Go Lil' Chris!!
Cici's Pizza closed? Wow, what a shame.
Hope things will get better by Thanksgiving. :)
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