If you have read my last couple of posts, you are probably wondering what my nephew Nathan was diagnosed with this past Thurs. I didn't want to say until my sister-in-law announced it publicly. Today she did. I'll let her tell you in her own words...
"Thank you everyone for your prayers...keep them going, we definetly need them! For those who may not know yet, Nathan was diagnosed with Leukemia (A.L.L is the type). We are looking at 3 years of treatments. A very long road ahead of us. He is brave and strong, I am so proud of him!!!!! I, on the other hand, am not as brave or strong, so yea, your prayers are so needed right now, and through out this long journey!"
Thank you everyone for your prayers, and please continue to pray for them, especially Nathan as he starts his treatments. He will be in the hospital for the next month.
The pic above was taken last week when we were on vacation to go visit them and get a family pic taken. Lil' Chris is in the middle, Nathan is on the right, and Nathan's younger brother Lincoln is on the left. They had so much fun that day posing for the camera..... that is....once the "real" photographer left;-) LOL Shhhhhh....don't tell them we took pics while we were waiting;-) LOL!!
So sorry for your families sad news... I cannot imagine what they are going through... Our prayers are with you all.....
Praying for Nathan and all of you!
Thank you to everyone who does not even know us! Your prayers are greatly appreciated! Going through this gives us a different insight to how M & C feel. It is devistating enough knowing there is this horrible disease attacking a family members body, but it's a totally different feeling when it is your own. Although diagnosis' are different, the feelings a parent goes through throughout these processes are the same! It's undescribable, but you just know, & I can relate better to the feelings that M & C had & still have. I love you guys very much & we have amazingly strong and super brave boys who are absolute fighters!!!!!!!
Just read your post and we will be praying for your family and Nathan.
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