My sister-in-law put this thank you in the comments, so I thought I would post it in case you have been praying too and didn't see it....
"Thank you to everyone who does not even know us! Your prayers are greatly appreciated! Going through this gives us a different insight to how M & C feel. It is devistating enough knowing there is this horrible disease attacking a family members body, but it's a totally different feeling when it is your own. Although diagnosis' are different, the feelings a parent goes through throughout these processes are the same! It's undescribable, but you just know, & I can relate better to the feelings that M & C had & still have. I love you guys very much & we have amazingly strong and super brave boys who are absolute fighters!!!!!!!"
Steph is right. Our boys ARE strong and SUPER brave and they WILL beat the odds!!
Steph and I now have an even closer bond...not one that I would never have wished for though. We have both sat and listened to the dr.'s horrible diagnosis of our kids, we have both cried a river as to why this has happened to OUR family, we have both had to break the horrible news to rest of our families, and we both have realized that our lives will never be the same again.
Steph, I will always be here for you whenever you need me! I wish I could take Nathan's cancer away, just like I wish I could take Lil' Chris' CF away. All we can do is have FAITH together and pray our babies pain goes away forever!
Love You Steph and Nathan!
PS. Thank you everyone for all of your prayers, and please continue to pray for Nathan as he started chemo yesterday.
This was the first I have been able to get back to your blog, thank you! This definetly is not the way I would have chosen to have a closer relationship with you, but you are so right, we have a special bond and we will be there for each other! I am so thankful God gave me you as a sister in law!!!! and he gave us two beautiful, wonderful, funny, brave, stronger than I'll ever be, super, awesome boys!!!!!
We love you and thank you for your prayers!
Your right...2 beautiful, wonderful, funny, brave & stronger than their Oma will ever be, super, awesome grandsons!!!! S & M, I will try & explain a little of my pain. A mom who can't "kiss the boo boos of her kids or grandkids and make them better", and all I can do is watch helplessly, praying as my faith & trust are being tested/strengthend daily.
I love you all soooo much!
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