We are meeting at the pavilion next to Ida Sue School by the soccer fields at 9am!! If you would like to join us, but are not registered...that's ok! Come on down for some fun:) The address is 266 Oldman Road.
So far I don't think it is raining. Please pray that it holds off until after our walk is over!! If it does rain, I think we will be ok. I bought some extra crafts for the kids to do for Conner and I got Domino's to have the pizza's ready by 10am. Do you think pizza at 10:30 in the morning is too early??? LOL I think it will give us something to do in the rain, plus then people can leave earlier, b/c I'm sure they will be anxious to leave if we are all crammed under one pavilion:) lol
As of right now, my team is at $4,726!! Woo Hoo!! My goal is $5,000. Hopefully after today we will be closer to that goal if not surpass it;)
Thank you again everyone who has donated!! You are saving some really awesome precious lives;-) Thank You!!
It's not too late to donate...click this link to donate today... http://www.cff.org/Great_Strides/LilChrisChris6765
I think we've got everything ready to go for today...
Alma and her team has made a ton of yummy cookies
Mary picked up the Frito Lays lil' bags of Chips
My hubby picked up the Culligan's water
and as soon as the sitter gets here, I am going to pick up the fruit from Buehler's,
bagels from Panera Bread,
and ice from Speedway.
Then starting at 10am, my hubby will start picking up the pizza's starting with Domino's, then Pizza Pan at 10:30, and then Papa John's.
Then he will pick up 30 kids meals from McDonald's at 11am:) YEA!!
Everything has been donated by our AWESOME sponsors!!! Thank You Awesome Sponsors=) Our walk couldn't be a success without you:)
I'll let you know how everything goes. I'll try to take lots of pics, especially everyone who is wearing something red for Conner and Eva:) Also, I plan on taking a BIG group pic for next years commercial:)
Pray for a GREAT day!
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