Our old CF Commercial that plays on MCTV. Still working on this years.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Lost My "Blog List"

Hey Fellow Bloggers,
For some reason I lost my "blog list" on the right side of the page yesterday...it disappeared somehow???? I tried to put it back today, but this time I split it up into 2 to help me keep track of everyone:) One set is "Fellow CF Mom Bloggers", and the other is "Adult CF Bloggers."

I have a feeling that I am missing some of the blogs that I usually check daily. If you are a fellow CF blogger and you are not on my list, please leave me a comment so I can add you. There are so many that I check, that it is hard for me to remember all the sites. I never thought that I was going to lose my blog list either, otherwise I would have saved them somehow.

I was only able to keep track of the blogs that I have clicked "Follower" on, but not everyone has the "Follower" option on their blog. I recommend everyone putting the "Follow" option on their blog just in case something like this happens to anyone else.

Please let me know if I have missed you, and I apologize if I did:(


Kellee said...

Thanks for your words of encouragement! I was so bummed over her!!

Its called a ABI but the actual vest piece ( around the chest ) is a hill rom its not the one that came with it.. we get those at the hospital and M likes them better. The 1 that came with it goes over the shoulder and he hates it!


Christy said...

Bummer.. I did this once too. It's the same way with my cell phone. I didn't have a back up copy of my phone numbers and I ruined my phone by washing it in the washing machine. It had taken me 8 years to gather those numbers and I still don't have them all.

I also put all of my addresses from my address book on the computer. I tore up all paper copies, and lo and behold, I lost them ALL. How aggravating.

I hope you get your bloglist up to date.

Jessie said...

ahhhh..this happened to me too it wasnt fun

Graciy said...

I am forever messing up my page hope you can work it out!

Zoe Isabella said...

Hi! Thanks for writing me...didn't realize I was one you lost. :( I found and added the 'followers' like you asked me to...hope that helps.
The kids look great! Hope you are all feeling well.
Take care,

Heidi said...

I really messed up my page a while back...urrr..it's so annoying ;)

I'd love to be added to your blog list. I have seen your blog, but forgot to bookmark it then, so I will now!