Our old CF Commercial that plays on MCTV. Still working on this years.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

A New Day!

Thank you to everyone for your kind & encouraging comments!!

Today is a new day, the sun is shining (where I am) & the slate is wiped clean! Spring is my favorite season as it always generates feelings of renewal & growth. This is also the time of year when I get the itch to get outside & stick my hands in the dirt! =)

To Susanna who left us a beautiful comment last night, your prize for the longest comment is....(drum roll please).... a virtual high five! Great job! Our comments are now moderated, not immediately published & I'm not sure if M saw yours this morning, so I sent it to her in e-mail. With her permission (which I'm sure she'll give) & yours I'd really like to publish your story as a post on our blog so everyone can add you to their prayer time & be encouraged by your words.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!! D.

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