I just got back from my OB appointment. I only have 2 weeks left now and I did make a little bit of progress this past week...I am now 3 cm and 50% effaced! I know that some of you were waiting to hear my progress before guessing her birth date, time, height, and weight. So now guess away!!!!! I'm curious as to who will win and be the closest!!! :)
Here is a "Slide" show that I said I would post. It was from the day we had our CF clinic appointment and the Level 2 ultrasound. Lil' Chris was such a good boy the whole day, that we decided to buy him his first slide! He needed help the first couple of times, but then he got the hang of it and started doing it all by himself! Sorry if the video is a little dark, it was taken with my husbands cell phone.
PS. Don't forget to vote for Ayla's arrival:)
The Church and My Unbiblical View of Women Part Two
There’s a scene in the first Incredibles movie where the superhero
Incredibles family is all together at their son Dash’s track meet. They
finally let thei...
5 years ago
I'm not very good at games, but here goes...
January 24th
5:30 pm
21 inches long
8 lb. 4 oz
I'm so excited for you!!!
I'm sticking with my guess. Can't wait to see if I win!
I'm sticking with my guess! Can't wait to see her this weekend!
I'm not good at this, but it is fun!
January 26, 2009
7lb 8oz
Melissa has one of those slides and loves it. She loved it when we first got it, but she doesn't play with it much any more. It's amazing how fast they can learn and catch on to things so fast.
I'll stick with my original prediction but I had to say how much I loved your "slide" show!! Lil Chris looked like he was having a blast! And it was nice to see that little Addidas sweatsuit again... =) It was one of my favs when Josh & Rafe wore it. Note to self - that thing has held up really well, time to go buy some more of them! =)
I'm glad you're still feeling good & that your appt went well this morning!! Can't wait for the news that littl Ayla's on her way. Call us no matter what time!!
Love you guys!
I loved watching this video :-) He is such a little man!!! From the rate he is growing he will be too big for that slide by next week :-)
Love ya!,
Aunt Christi
Love the video...Lil Chris is loving his new slide!
I'm gonna take a guess for Ayla's arrival:
Jan. 21 at 7:18pm
7 lbs 15oz 21in.
beautiful and healthy
Can't wait to get the phone call with the news of her arrival, and see pictures of her!
Give my gorgeous nephew hugs and kisses for me!
Love to you all!
Auntie Steph
I am sticking with my original guess. Dad says Jan. 24 at 10:00 pm, weighing in at 7 lbs 14 oz and measuring 19 1/2"
Loved the slide show.
Hugs & kisses to all,
Mom & Dad
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