Here is a pic of the table we had set up for donations, tips, raffle, candy, info about the walk, and Christi's handmade jewelry to sell. Thanks to Alma's daughter for manning the table;) Thanks Alma for the balloons too:)
Here is a pic of the info cards that Daniel's parents made to put on the tables for people to read about Cystic Fibrosis...Thanks Daniel's mom and dad;) You did a great job on them!!
I am reluctant to show this pic, b/c I still have A LOT of baby fat to lose...but here is a pic of all us CF Moms and even a new CF Mom I met tonight! Daniel's mom, Alma, fat me:(, and Heather... I don't know why I didn't get a pic of the dad's, maybe next time;)
Alma introduced me to Heather who she knows on Facebook. She has 2 children with CF plus 1 or more other children as well. I'm not sure exactly how old they are, but I think that her son, Jack is around 5, and her daughter, Allie is around 2 or 3 years old. They were recently diagnosed I believe. I didn't get the whole story yet, b/c it was busy when she was there and I wanted to concentrate on getting the donations. Once I get all the info I will let you know. So far all I know is that she is great at doing fundraisers for CF. I hope to connect with her on Facebook and learn a lot from her. Hopefully she will become a follower of this blog;)
Here is a pic of Heather's 2 kids with CF, they are soooo cute... She is doing a Pancake Breakfast to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation on April 25th at the Central Presbyterian Church in Massillon. It is $5 per person and kids under 2 eat for free. If anyone is interested, please email me at
Thank You to Daniel's dad for taking on all the phone calls that I was going to make to try to get corporate sponsors. I had tons of business cards from when I went from business to business, and he said that he could make all the calls since he was recently laid off from work(this economy stinks, doesn't it?) It's a big relief off of my shoulders with trying to cope with 2 lil' kids now and not getting a lot of sleep at night and still adjusting to getting back to work now. So Thank You so much!!!
We came up with 2 more dates to do more Dough Raisers at CiCi's Pizza...April 19th and May 28th from 5pm-8pm. I hope if you live in town that you will be able to make it=) For these, I'm going to get Kohl's involved so that we will get $500 each time. All I need to do is get 4 other people from work to come and help us buss tables for tips for 3 hours. I suggest getting a Kohl's store near you involved in every fundraiser that you do, and esp your walk. Email me if you have any questions or if you would like me to call the store and get it set up for you. It's an easy extra $500 towards a cure. My goal is to someday get EVERY Kohl's store to walk in a Great Strides Walk every year. I know we don't have that many walks all over yet, but someday we will. Kohl's is in every state except 2 and has over 1,000 locations. Wouldn't it be great to get them all involved in finding a CURE!!!
Thank you to Sherri, Vickie D., Anika, Barb, Roberta, Esther, Loretta, Shaina, and Abby who came to support me from work. I really appreciate all your donations towards finding a cure for Lil' Chris. I was very touched to see such love and support from my Kohl's family;) Thank you Vickie for buying one of Christi's handmade bracelets!!! Thank you Anika and Roberta for buying necklaces!! This money will go towards Lil' Chris' medical fund. BTW, I sold $42.00 worth of Christi's jewelry...Thanks Christi=) I may have some orders for you soon;)
I have to say a big THANKS to Alma, her daughter, her husband Paul, and to Daniel's parents.... You guys were AMAZING tonight!!! Thank you for all your hard work and for all that you did to prepare for it!! (Unfortunately my husband wasn't able to make it. He stayed home with the kiddos. Hopefully next time he will be able to join us.) Thank you Paul for getting the Indians tickets to raffle off. The 3 club seat tickets really brought in a lot of money, I think;) We sold 1 ticket for $2 and 6 tickets for $10. It got a slow start, but once we started talking it up, they really started to sell. It was a GREAT idea, thanks Paul for getting the tickets donated for all of our fundraisers and for the walk and for talking it up at all the table;) With all the donations, tips, and money for the raffle tickets, we made $315.00 towards finding a CURE!!! That is not including the 10% from all the receipts. I hope to find out that total tomorrow.
You all are AWESOME and I think we all made a GREAT TEAM tonight!!! I look forward to our next fundraiser=)
you are just wonderful! I hope to do half as well as you with our walk in bowling green in may. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
Im so glad you guys had a good turn out!!
What your doing is remarkable!! The world needs more people like you!!
Thank you so much for all you do! Because of people like you, there will be a cure found soon and our little CFers will live long and healthy lives!
I talked to Chris earlier to see how things went yesterday. You all did great and sounds like you all had fun too. I gave a letter to Kohl's in Vineland about 1 1/2 weeks ago. I have to contact them the end of this week to see if they are going to help us in any way. Any buzz you can put in their ear would be great. Let me know what you need to do that. Also, if you can mail me some of Christi's necklaces and bracelets I'll try to sell some at church and when we do the fundraiser at Wendy's.
Give my grandbabies lots of hugs & kisses for me.
Lovin & missin you all
hey quick question, did you have to get permission to use the CFF & Great Strides logo for your fundraiser?
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