Our old CF Commercial that plays on MCTV. Still working on this years.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I can't believe my baby is 10 months old! Seems like yesterday I was still pregnant! I'm so glad it was such a beautiful warm Spring day on his 10 month bday. We just had to go and buy him a swing =) We don't have any trees in our yard and swing sets cost too much for us right now, so we had to make do with what we had. My husband used the stand from our 2 seater swing and hung Lil' Chris new swing from it. Worked pretty good! Good job, Honey ;) He had a BLAST!!
Enjoy the pics!

Sorry it's so fuzzy, I took it with my camera phone. At least you can hear him laugh every time my husband pushed him. So cute!!
Hope you liked them : )

1 comment:

Aunt D. said...

Those were great!!! He looks so cute & he's getting so big! Can't wait to see you guys! D.